Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A few things

  • I think we've made the decision to use cloth diapers (yes, I said diapers). I’m not sure at what point I’ll know we've made this decision – probably a few months in if I’m not laughing hysterically at the idea that I ever thought I could ever do such a thing. I have a feeling it might be a bit like the time I wore white trousers, only to realize within 20 minutes of leaving the house that I am not a person who can navigate the world wearing white trousers.

  • I also think I’m going to try and go without an epidural. If you’re inclined to give me your opinion on this, don’t.  I’m not dead-set on the idea because I have absolutely no clue how painful it’s all going to be or what my pain-tolerance is actually like. I am horrified by the fact that America does not do 'gas and air'. The options are basically total sober agony or epidural. And yet for some reason I'm still leaning toward not getting one. Jeremy thinks I can do it. Jeremy's biggest concern about labor is boredom. Jeremy doesn't really get to have opinions on the matter. 

  • We graduated our child-birth class this week. I have a feeling that any sense of preparedness the class offers is a placebo and given I know it’s a placebo, I’m not feeling especially prepared. I did however learn that I am incapable of imagining I am floating in the ocean. 

  • I am quite literally counting the days of work left until I leave. There are 46 days left. That's too many days. 

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