Tuesday, 10 March 2015


All through pregnancy there were questions everybody asked every time and I got tired, so tired, of answering. The questions bored me to actual tears and I used to avoid the office kitchen at times just to escape telling another person how I was feeling and when I was due.

The question everybody asks now he's here is "how are you sleeping?" But instead of groaning with boredom at the question, I want to answer. I want to talk and analyse and strategise - like when you first meet someone and all you want to do is talk about them and ponder their every move. That is how I feel about sleep right now. I miss it all the time. I think about it all the time. I wonder if it's ever going to call and I stare at the phone (the metaphorical sleep phone) and wait for it to ring.

And sometimes it does ring. Not often or predictably. Not enough for me to get comfortable and to rely on it. But sometimes, I get to sleep for more than 2 hours. Sometimes I get to sleep lying down. Sometimes I get to sleep when not holding a snortling infant at the same time and hearing a chorus of baby books judging me for lying down in bed with my baby boy instead of making sure he's not actually asleep before I put him down flat on his back so that he can learn to put himself to sleep (they clearly have never met an infant in their whole lives).

Oh my dearie me I miss sleep.

The good news is that baby is sleeping just fine, provided he's being snuggled or rocked or nursed or driven or walked with...

post breast-feeding snooze.
An attempt to put him down after he fell asleep in the sling. He woke up about 2 minutes later. 
Out and about snooze

Sleeping position of choice, if only mean old mummy could hold him like this all night long. 

Bloody good job he's so darn cute.